David HR

Recruitment Procedures

Initial Enquiry from Employer:

Contact recruitment companies directly to discuss specific requirements and details on terms and conditions of service for Nepali workers.

After confirming the requirement and establishing an initial agreement with recruitment companies (Nepal), the employer must provide the following duly authenticated/attested documents, as per Nepalese Government labor law, to finalize the recruiting process:

  1. Power of Attorney between Recruiting Agent and Employer.
  2. Demand Letter listing manpower requirements and terms and conditions.
  3. Employment Contract including terms and conditions of service.
  4. Recruitment Service Agreement listing each party’s responsibility.
  5. Guarantee letter confirming the country of employment. Once the above original documents are received, recruitment agency will submit the application to the Department of Labor for authorization.

Pre-Labour Approval:

After receiving the authorized demand letter, the documents are presented for pre-labor approval. The Department of Labor in Nepal analyzes and approves them for further processing.

Manpower Pooling: Advertisement, Screening, and Shortlisting:

Upon the Department of Labor's approval, the recruiting agency is granted permission to advertise the requirement. The recruitment process includes:

  1. Print and Broadcast Media Advertisement.
  2. On-the-spot sourcing (City and Provincial).
  3. Through Highly Qualified Agents.
  4. Recommended Personnel.
  5. Internal Candidate Data Bank.


The selection process may include:

  • Preliminary Interview: Conducted by the recruitment agency to shortlist candidates.
  • Final Interview/Selection: Conducted by the Employer’s Authorized Representative or Recruitment Company Personnel.
  • Direct Interview: Employers may visit Nepal for the final interview or authorize the recruitment agency for the entire selection process.
  • Interview through Skype: An online interview option is available.
  • Transmittal of Resumes: Resumes of pre-qualified candidates are forwarded to the employer.

Full Documentation Assistance:

Assistance is provided to selected applicants in securing required travel documents.

Medical Checkup:

Selected candidates undergo a full medical examination, and medically fit candidates proceed with the recruitment processes.

Employment Visa Process:

Upon medical clearance, the employer processes the employment visa. The process varies by country.


Selected candidates take orientation classes to understand local laws, labor laws, immigration policies, and the culture of the employing country.

Final Labour Approval: (Government Clearance)

All necessary documents are submitted to the Labor Department of Nepal for final approval and immigration clearance.

Travel Arrangement:

Once the visa is obtained, the employer arranges the flight or the recruitment agency handles the necessary arrangements.

Reception from Employer:

Upon arrival, the employer's representative receives the candidate from the airport, arranges accommodation, and provides job duties as per the employment agreement.