Demand Letter and Power of Attorney:
The FIRST PARTY shall issue a Demand Letter to David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd., specifying the number of required workers, their categories, salary rates, and other service conditions. Additionally, the Demand Letter, along with the Power of Attorney, Guarantee Letter, Manpower Recruitment Agreement, and Employment Contract, must be attested by the Chambers of Commerce of the employing country, the Foreign Ministry, and the Nepal Embassy. These documents collectively authorize David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd. to recruit and expatriate workers from Nepal on behalf of the FIRST PARTY.
Government Approval:
Both parties shall obtain approval from their respective governments to import, recruit, and supply workers in accordance with the rules and regulations of both countries.
Short-listing of Candidates:
The David FRA will be responsible for shortlisting qualified candidates based on their trade qualifications and experience, aligning with the requirements of the FIRST PARTY. David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd. should promptly notify the FIRST PARTY of short-listed candidates available for final interviews and selection.
Selection Process:
The FIRST PARTY retains the right to either send its representative or authorize David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd. to select and process qualified workers, with a full guarantee.
Worker Mobilization:
The worker will undergo interviews, tests, and selection by either the employer's representative or David FRA on their behalf. The FIRST PARTY will communicate the final list of selected personnel, mobilization date, and other details via fax, email, or letter.
Immigration and Government Formalities:
David FRA shall assist workers with Nepal immigration, government formalities, medical tests, and visa stamping, obtaining all necessary approvals.
Airport Assistance:
David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd. will provide, at its own expense, airport assistance for departing workers. The FIRST PARTY will be responsible for receiving workers at the airport, considering the client's requirements and the validity of the workers' visas.
Salary and Deductions:
Worker earnings and service conditions will adhere to the attached demand letter and contract document. The FIRST PARTY must clearly inform David FRA about salary, taxes, and other deductions, ensuring candidates are informed accordingly.
Probation Period and Worker Replacement:
Within the three-month probation period, if the employer finds a worker unfit or unqualified, the EMPLOYER may replace the worker. The replacement will be conducted by David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd. within one month, with all related expenses borne by the agency.
Visa Issuance and Delays:
Selected candidates must arrive within one month of visa issuance. Delays beyond this period will result in visa cancellation, and David Foreign Recruitment Agency Pvt. Ltd. will cover all governmental expenses for replacement.
Compensation for Facilities and Company Collapse:
The FIRST PARTY is obliged to compensate candidates for any lack of facilities as per the Employment Contract, and in the event of the company collapsing before the contract period, the compensation falls on the FIRST PARTY.
Death or Injury Compensation:
The FIRST PARTY agrees to compensate candidates for death or injury, covering the cost of transporting the deceased worker's body to Nepal, as per the labor laws of the concerned country.
Service Charge:
The FIRST PARTY will pay a service charge of US $250 per successful candidate to the SECOND PARTY.